In keeping you safe, we at PCC Police and Safety Services are ever-watchful of potentially 危险的情况下. In the unlikely event that someone threatens to bring explosives to campus, or if you find a suspicious package that might contain chemical, explosive, or biological weapons, 紧急救援人员 will promptly respond to your call and 让你知道下一步该做什么.

While you might want to contact friends or family, it’s best to turn off cell phones so there isn’t any interference with our attempts to monitor the situation. Also, as you evacuate, bring your personal belongings with you and try to notice any unfamiliar 或可疑物品. You can report them to us, and we’ll decide how to handle them. Because someone might have tampered with building wiring, it’s safest to leave light switches and thermostats at their current settings and to leave windows and doors open. However, if time permits, you can turn off other electrical equipment such as 电脑或投影仪.

Do your best to follow these suggestions while actively listening for directives from 紧急救援人员.

如何知道什么使一个包裹“可疑”?? 你该怎么做呢?

Sometimes a person will make a telephone or email threat prior to leaving a package, and hopefully, someone will contact us at (626) 585-7484 as soon as that happens (see below sections on how to respond to these types of threats). 一些可疑的 packages are not actually weapons or look humorous because of how they are addressed or marked—but it’s still important to take them seriously. 这里有一个例子 一个可能是这样的:


So, if you see one, be careful to avoid touching it and encourage others in the area 做同样的事. Although you might want to sniff, smell, or shake the package to see 里面有什么,还是等我们去调查比较安全. 如果可以的话,冷静地鼓励 其他人则要求尽快离开该地区.


Since it might contain dangerous powders or agents, be sure to wash your hands before touching anything else, and you don’t need to clean up anything that might have spilled out. Our goal is to protect you while minimizing contamination—so you can help by staying nearby and letting us know who else was in the area when you found the package. 剩下的我们会处理的.

What if someone makes a phone threat about an explosive device or a weapon?

If you can record the live call, that would be most helpful. 否则,向 nearby faculty or staff that a threat is occurring, and try to write what the caller tells you.


  • Write exactly what the caller says—if possible, ask him or her to repeat the information.
  • Try to keep the caller speaking with you by asking questions.
  • For instance, try asking where the device or the person is. 冷静地让打电话的人 know that many people could be harmed; it’s possible that the person is calling because he or she doesn’t actually want to follow through with this threat.
  • As you listen, do you notice any background noises like other voices, cars, freeways, or music? Is there anything distinct about the caller’s voice or the way the person speaks? 他或她的语气是平静的还是愤怒的?
  • Even if the caller hangs up, keep your end of the call active or press “hold.” Cell phones might automatically disconnect, and that’s okay, just take note of when the 电话结束了,持续了多久.

We appreciate you taking the time to read this and prepare yourself for this type 威胁,当然,一定要 call us at PCC Police and Safety Services at (626) 585-7484 to share your notes and observations with us; this will help us to coordinate with 帕萨迪纳警察局和消防局. 我们也理解你想要 tell other classmates or friends on campus about what happened or post information on social media, but it’s safest for everyone if you allow us notify others. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and to do this we need to avoid causing panic.


Treat it as a genuine threat, even if it seems like it might be a joke or you are 不确定这个人的意图是什么.

These can be frightening, especially since they could be from someone on campus or 世界各地. 幸运的是,我们可以提供帮助. 由盈科资讯科技协助 Services, we can trace emails or identify server logs to see how a message was handled.

So, if you find an emailed, social media, or otherwise digital threat, just keep it 可以在屏幕上访问. 然后打电话给我们(如果有必要的话用校园电话),这样我们 能记录所有重要信息吗.

Sometimes a threat is written on paper, in a restroom, or on a wall.

These might have useful fingerprints or other evidence, so it’s best to avoid touching them. Instead, immediately call us at PCC Police and Safety Services (626) 585-7484. Try to take note of where and when you found the threat and whether you noticed anything 附近的人或地区的其他不寻常之处. 而你可能想通知其他人 people in the area, we can handle that so others aren’t unnecessarily frightened. However, if you ever suspect that your life or others’ lives are in danger, call 911 from a cellular phone for local police and emergency services.

But, what if PCC Police instruct you to bring the document to them? 你如何处理? it without damaging potential evidence or being harmed yourself?

我们不太可能要求你这样做. 然而,如果威胁文件 is small enough, we might instruct you to place it carefully in an envelope or bag—even if it’s already in an envelope, since that’s potentially part of the evidence. If the threat is on a large object, we would like you to keep it in your sight and to 在我们到达之前别让别人碰它.