The Pasadena Area Community College District (PACCD) seeks a Superintendent/President with the qualifications, demonstrated professional capabilities, and personal qualities that, in effective combination, will enable him or her to lead the College in successfully addressing the challenges and pursuing the opportunities outlined above.

负责人/总统 is the chief executive officer of the District and the College and reports to a seven-member 校董会 elected by community residents 他们各自的地理区域. 校长是行政主管 leader of the District and, therefore, is responsible for overseeing the operations 整个地区. 这些职责包括计划、评估、预算、 supervision of academic programs and administrative and student services, and the evaluation of key administrative personnel to make certain the institution is meeting 学生和社区的教育需求. 负责人/总统 represents the District to community groups; business and industry; local public elementary and high school districts; federal, state, county and city agencies; public and private colleges and universities; and potential donors to the Foundation.



Close Carlos Cortez, who most recently served as chancellor of the San Diego Community College District, has more than 18 years’ experience as a college administrator – 包括13次担任首席执行官. 他曾在公立、私立和特许学校工作 在华盛顿特区.C.休斯顿、纽约、洛杉矶、伯克利和圣地亚哥, and has been on the faculty at John Hopkins University, National University, New York 加州大学伯克利分校,加州大学洛杉矶分校,加州大学圣地亚哥分校. 在他的职业生涯中. Cortez has elected to work primarily with underserved, ethnically diverse student populations 来自系统边缘化的社区.

Prior to his appointment as PCC’s interim superintendent/president, José A. Gómez served as executive vice president, provost (the university’s chief academic officer), and chief operating officer at California State University, Los Angeles. At Cal State LA, Dr. Gómez was instrumental in strategic efforts to enhance student success, elevate fundraising, and deepen engagement with the region through partnerships with government and industry. Dr. Gómez领导了扩大学生机会的重大举措 at Cal State LA, including Cal State LA’s downtown campus; the Prison Graduation Initiative, California’s first bachelor’s degree program taught in state prison; and Cal State LA BioSpace, a regional incubator promoting inclusive entrepreneurship. 他还建立了 a partnership with the Los Angeles Football Club to renovate the university’s stadium field and construct a professional soccer training and operations facility on campus. 作为一名教育工作者. Gómez曾在蒙大拿州的查菲学院(Chaffey College)教授课程. 圣安东尼奥学院, 加州大学洛杉矶分校和南加州大学. 他之前曾担任总统的高等教育顾问 pro tem of the California Senate, executive director of the California Educational Facilities Authority, and held senior positions in the California Department of Justice 以及州财政办公室. Dr. Gómez是帕萨迪纳的居民,他的经历 as a first-generation college student, raised in the San Gabriel Valley, has inspired 他在教育和政府工作了30年. 他获得了加州波莫纳理工学院的学位 2019年杰出校友奖.

Close Thuy Thi Nguyen is currently a partner at the law firm of Garcia Hernández Sawhney, providing legal advice to community colleges, serving as general counsel to the African American California Community College Trustees and Administrators (Black Caucus), and serving as commission 奥克兰警察委员会的律师. 2016年,阮成为第一个越南人 American college president in the country, serving over five years as president of 山麓的大学. Nguyen was general counsel to the Peralta Community College District (一个有四所学院的地区)自2003年以来已经超过11年了. 一月至六月 2015, she took leave from Peralta CCD to serve as interim president and chief executive 加州社区大学联盟的官员. 阮随后担任临时主席 general counsel for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office from July 2015年至2016年6月. Nguyen是科罗拉多州立大学教授教育法的兼职讲师 East Bay. Nguyen has served on many boards, including the American Council on Education (ACE)在华盛顿特区.C. 她目前是加州法学院途径和董事会主席 member of Cal Medicine Coalition – both organizations she co-founded to diversify 法律和医疗行业. 阮获得了哲学学士学位 耶鲁大学法学博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校法学院法学博士. 阮是保罗和 黛西·索罗斯,新美国人会员. 阮是一名来自越南的难民,是38名难民之一 individuals honored in 2017 as part of Carnegie Corporation’s “Great Immigrants” tribute 《纽约时报.
Close Dr. Lena Tran currently serves as the president of Columbia College in California, bringing with her over 27 years of experience dedicated to serving and inspiring students 来自不同的背景. 她坚定地致力于提供丰富的教育 opportunities for personal growth and career advancement, fostering a community of 求知欲强、有创造力、有思想的终身学习者. 在她任职期间,她成功了 cultivated partnerships with industry leaders such as Apple CAL FIRE, Fresno Workforce Connection, Microsoft, MIT, and UC Berkeley, leading to the development of innovative dual enrollment, transfer, and workforce pathways in coding, artificial intelligence, 消防、林业和医疗保健. 此外,博士. Tran曾担任 manager and director for student affairs, outreach, and residence life. Dr. Tran has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including an Aspen Rising President Fellowship, Stanford University Educational Leadership Initiative Award, and John & Suanne rouche优秀奖. 此外,她还是富布赖特奖的获得者 Scholar College Administrators Seminar to Russia and has been named among the “100 硅谷有影响力的女性.” The 硅谷商业杂志 也认可博士. 他是硅谷“40位40岁以下”冉冉升起的新星之一. Dr. Tran strives to cultivate and preserve a culture of acceptance, celebration, and connectedness. 我们可以更好地成长和学习与集体的总和 individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, self-expression, and talent.

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